Aynne Valencia
1 min readMar 11, 2021


Powerful words by Cornell West

“In the higher levels of the professional-managerial sites, be it Silicon Valley, be it Wall Street, be it Harvard, too many of those sites still look like the National Hockey League. So all of the talk about diversity in the world, if it doesn’t translate on the ground, then, in the end, we still not only have more work to do, we gotta quit being dishonest. And we have to be more vigilant.”

“When they are there, you don’t disrespect them. You don’t devalue them. They have grand contributions to make, just like anyone else.”

Watch the entire interview here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ya1ISUqkeA

The future needs diverse thoughts and voices from racial and socio-economic backgrounds. We need wisdom from the sources we keep insisting on overlooking. We have work to do to fix our planet and create a more just world, and need to start building it now.

